October 11-12, 2022

Sustainability science and Glocalization

UNPAD, Bandung, Indonesia

July 6-8, 2022

Conference on Logistics | New Tech & Effective Circular Economy

Valenciennes & Cambrai, France

July 29, 2021

Publishing in the Greening of Industry Networks Studies Book Series

Online webinar


October 8, 2020

Sustainability Science Post COVID-19: Social distancing life, approaching natural life

Virtual conference with UNPAD Indonesia

October 6, 2020

ARISE-GIN Symposium 2020 Towards Circular Regions

Online event

Sep 29, 2020

Pursuit of sustainability in the post-covid era


May 13, 2020

An equitable, inclusive, and Environmentally Sound Circular Economy

Open Forum

October 28-30, 2019

Mexico City, Mexico


June 26-29, 2019

Green & Digital Cities Conference

Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland


Ecology and Sustainability Science: from Theory to Practice

Bandung, Indonesia


International Symposium “Circular Economy inspiring Sustainable Innovations”

Mexico City 


Support your future today! Turning environmental challenges into business opportunities 

Linköping, Sweden 

Workshop 2012 

3rd Conference : Public and private strategies  for sustainable regional development 

Mexico City 


Climate Change and Green Growth: Innovating for sustainability 

Seoul, Korea


International: Joint Actions on Climate Change

Aalborg, Denmark

Workshop 2009

2nd International Symposium on Collaborative Strategies for Sustainable Development 

Mexico City

Workshop 2008

International Conference on Sustainable Innovations at the Base of the Pyramid 

Helsinki, Finland


15th Facilitating Sustainable Innovations

Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Workshop 2007

International Symposium: Water and climate change: Research and Policy for Industrial Transformation 

Mexico City


Sustainable Social and Ecosystem Stewardship

Waterloo, Canada

GIN2006, July 2-6

Integration and Communication: A Clear Route to Sustainability?
13th International Conference of the Greening of Industry Network

Cardiff, Great Britain ESRC Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability and Sustainability, BRASS, Cardiff University

Special issue of Business Strategy and the Environment (Wiley, July 2007 v16n5)

Workshop 2006, April 3

Seminar on Rethinking the BOP - Models for New Economies
In the run-up to GIN2006, the BRASS Centre at Cardiff University took up Bottom of the Pyramid Business Models in this half-day seminar. Then at the GIN2006 conference in July, GIN will convene a workshop on The Bottom of the Pyramid Debate.

Cardiff, Great Britain

Workshop 2006, February 17-18

Sustainable Regions and Global Trade. A workshop on international supply chains and their relation to regional development that is socially, ecologically, and economically sustainable. More

Vermont, USA, School for International Training, Brattleboro, Vermont

GIN2005-2, October 20-22

Global Shifts and Regional Development: Innovating for Sustainable Agriculture, Energy, and Finance

Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, Acadia University, Arthur Irving Academy for the Environment

GIN2005-1, April 28-29

Critical Issues in Sustainable Development: Agenda for Research and Action

Enschede, The Netherlands, University of Twente, home of GIN-Europe

Special issue of Business Strategy and the Environment (October-December 1995 v4n4, ERP)

GIN2004, November 7-10

Partnerships for Sustainable Development
12th International Conference. Opening remarks by Kurt Fischer, GIN Co-founder and GIN-Americas Coordinator. Closing remarks by Theo de Bruijn, GIN-Europe Coordinator.

Hong Kong, China, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

Special issue of Business Strategy and the Environment (Wiley  July-August 2005 v14n4)

GIN2003, October 12-15

Innovating for Sustainability
11th International Network Conference. Organized in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Performance Track Program, and Environment Canada/Government of Canada; and co-sponsored by Baker Petrolite Corporation and Clark University. 

San Francisco, USA, San Francisco State UniversityHotel Nikko, San Francisco

- Special issue of Business Strategy and the Environment (Wiley  July-August 2004 v13n4). 
- Special journal issue "Technological Change and Regulation in the Car Industry", Greener Management International (Issue 47). 
- Edited volume: The Business of Sustainable Mobility: From Vision to Reality, Greenleaf Publishing, ISBN 1 874719 80 2. Edited by Paul Nieuwenhuis and Peter Wells, Cardiff University, UK; Philip J. Vergragt, Tellus Institute, USA.

GIN2002, June 23-26

Corporate Social Responsibility & Governance for Sustainability
10th International Network Conference. Organized jointly with the School of Economics and Commercial Law at Göteborg University, and the Centre for Environment and Sustainability at Chalmers University of Technology. Opening remarks by Kurt Fischer.

Göteborg, Sweden

Special issue of Business Strategy and the Environment (Wiley  July-August 2003 v12n4).

Workshop 2002, October 9-13

International Conference on Sustainable Development  of Chelyabinsk and Region: From Dialogue to Partnership
Organized jointly with Women in Europe for a Common Future, and a Local Organizing Committee (with representatives from Russian NGOs, regional authorities, business and Chelyabinsk State University).

Chelyabinsk, Russia

GIN2001, January 21-25

Sustainability at the Millennium:  Globalization, Competitiveness and the Public Trust
Ninth International Network Conference

Bangkok, Thailand, GIN-Asia, Chulalongkorn University

Proceedings To be ordered on CD at GIN-Asia@chula.ac.th
Special issue of Business Strategy and the Environment (Wiley  March-April 2002 v11n2)

Workshop 2000, November 13-14

Envisioning the Future Global Environment: General Motors-GIN Workshop

Warren, Michigan, USA

GIN1999, November 14-17

Sustainability: Ways of Knowing/Ways of Acting
Eighth International Network Conference

Chapel Hill, USA, University of Carolina

Posters Special issue of Business Strategy and the Environment (Wiley  September-October 2000 v9n5)

GIN1998, November 15-18

Partnership and Leadership: Building Alliances for a Sustainable Future
Seventh International Network Conference. Some 350 participants took part in five plenary sessions, 35 breakout sessions and workshops, to discuss the 150 papers and posters. The main theme of the conference was the engagement of partners in the tneeded for a productive cooperation. Options for this transformation and routes toward it were explored in the conference sessions and workshops devoted to building alliances in global, regional and local settings.ransition of society towards sustainability. This transformation requires the cooperation, perseverance and dedication of all parties involved, and the development of new procedures, institutions and cultures.

Rome, Italy

Proceedings to be ordered on CD at greening@cstm.utwente.nl
Special issue of Business Strategy and the Environment (Wiley  September-October 1999 v8n5).

Workshop 1998, July 28-30

Economic Recovery and Environmentally Sustainable Industry in Asia: Compatible Goals?

Bangkok, Thailand, Chulalongkorn University

Workshop 1998, May 11

Greening in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Manchester, UK

Workshop 1998, July 28-30

Economic Recovery and Environmentally Sustainable Industry in Asia: Compatible Goals?

Bangkok, Thailand, Chulalongkorn University

Workshop 1997, May 8

Sustainable Development: Meaning, Strategies and Collaboration among Industry, Government, Academia and Communities

Turabo, Puerto Rico, Universidad del Turabo

GIN1996, November 24-27

Global Restructuring: A Place for Ecology
Fifth International Network Conference

Heidelberg, Germany

- Abstract Book
- Special issue of Business Strategy and the Environment (Wiley  September 1997 v6n4).
- Regional Sustainability: From Pilot Projects to an Environmental Culture. Milano, Italy, May 9-10, 1996

GIN1995, November 12-14

Research and Practice:  Learning to Build Sustainable Industries for Sustainable Societies
Fourth International Network Conference

Toronto, Canada

Special issue of Business Strategy and the Environment (Wiley  September 1996 v5n3).

Workshop 1995, October 17-19

Research Needs of the Future

Lausanne, Switzerland, Institute for Management Development

Workshop 1995, April 20 - 21

Building a Research Agenda for Sustainable Development: Workshop
Effective Technology Policy for Sustainable Development: Workshop

Washington D.C., USA

GIN1994, November 13-15

From Greening to Sustaining: Transformational Challenges for the Firm
Third International Network Conference

Copenhagen, Denmark

Special issue of Business Strategy and the Environment (October-December 1995 v4n4, ERP)

Workshop 1994, April 28

What Role for Industry in a Sustainable World?
Public Forum

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

GIN1993, November 14-16

Designing the Sustainable Enterprise
Second International Network Conference

Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Special issue of Business Strategy and the Environment (Summer 1994 v3n4, ERP)

GIN1991, November 13-15

The Greening of Industry: Research Needs and Policy Implications
First International Network Conference

Noordwijk aan Zee, The Netherlands

Environmental Strategies for Industry: International Perspectives in Research Needs and Policy Implications
(Island Press  1993)